It is a beautiful Sunday afternoon; perfect weather for throwing steaks on the grill and lounging by the pool.  Comfortable surroundings often become fortresses that shield us from the harsh realities of life.   Hazardous waste landfills are part of the landscape for many Americans.  Yet unless the topic is part of a class discussion, few think about this disturbing fact – certainly not while lounging near our pools.

The EPA defines environmental justice as:

“The fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implantation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations and polices”  (Wright and Boorse 584). 

The EPA explains that fair treatment means that no group of people, including racial, ethnic or socioeconomic groups, should have a disproportionate share in the negative consequences resulting from industrial, municipal and commercial operations or the execution of federal, state and tribal programs and policies. 

In spite of the claims of fair treatment, the harsh reality is that low income and minority groups are the ones most impacted by harsh environmental circumstances.  Studies show that particular geographical neighborhoods can expose residents to environmental pollution and hazardous substances (Chircop 136).  Examples in the physical environment include poor urban planning and inadequate housing that can lead to a variety of health concerns including depression, aggressive behavior, asthma, obesity, heart disease and stressors to the immune system. 

Wait, the list does not stop there.  Urban neighborhoods of low-cost or public housing are linked to negative health outcomes, which include: higher rates of asthma, allergies and greater exposure to toxic materials such as lead and pesticides. Studies also show that trends in an increased burden of chronic diseases are reflected by geographical distributions of economic and social disparities and a rural-urban divide (Chircop 137). 

It seems that the poor/minority groups cannot escape negative environmental consequences – whether they are in the inner city or in more rural areas.  Here are three examples of the harsh reality:

*The largest commercial hazardous-waste landfill in the United States is in Emelle, Alaba.  African Americans make up 90% of Emelle’s population.  The landfill receives waste from superfund sites and every state in the continental U.S.   (Wright and Boorse 584). 

*A Choctaw reservation in Philadelphia, Mississippi, was targeted to become home of a 466 acre hazardous waste landfill.  The reservation population is entirely Native American.

*A recent study found that 870,000 U.S. federally subsidized housing units are within a mile of factories that have reported toxic emissions to the EPA.  Most of the apartment tenants are minorities.

All studies point to one thing, waste sites and other facilities are more likely to end up in towns or neighborhoods where the majority is non-Caucasian.  Undoubtedly there are laws that are meant to protect the groups that “bear a disproportionate share of negative environmental consequences”.  However, the sad statistics show one thing:  the laws are not being enforced.   As a result, poor and minority groups are left unprotected and they continue to be exposed to conditions that pose serious health risks.


Works Cited:

Chicrop, A.  (2008).  An ecofeminist conceptual framework to explore gendered environmental health inequities in urban setting and to inform health public policy.  Nursing Inquiry, 15(2), 135-147.


Wright, Richard, T., and Dorothy F. Boorse.  Environmental Science: Towards a sustainable future.  11 ed.  San Francisco:  Pearson Education, Inc., 2011.




Genetics seeks to improve on inherited traits.  With the great scientific discoveries, there is great concern that human applications of modern genetic technologies may lead to eugenic abuse (Ledely 157).  To prevent the abuses, clear guidelines must be put in place for distinguishing between the two.

The term eugenics was invented by Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin (Wikler 183).  Galton launched the term and a movement to improve the human race, or to halt what he perceived as its decline, through selective breeding.  His idea spread quickly, and by 1920’s the eugenics movement existed all over the world.  It was a movement for social betterment under the guises of modern science.  Eugenics claimed that it had the allegiance of most genetic scientists and also supporters from all political lines (right, center, and left).  Eugenics was embraced by Hitler and his Nazis followers.  As a result, eugenics is now used as an epithet.

The difference between eugenics and genetics has to do with the nature of social control (Ledley 158).  As exemplified by Hitler and the Nazis, genetics with an agenda can become eugenics.  Here the science of genetics was not advocated as a way of eliminating a genetic trait that unavoidably leads to illness (such as cancer or diabetes).  It was the case of a government trying to do away with an entire race of people, which they deemed inferior.

The issue is generally addressed in the context of separating the rights and responsibilities of governments and their citizens (Ledley 158). It is that same structure which determines the boundary between the legitimate and illegitimate extensions of the state.  In short, the government should not have social control over the individual’s genetic make-up or procreation.  When it does, there are unspeakable consequences.  The Nazi version of eugenics certainly taught us that lesson.

Works Cited

Ledley, F.D. (1994).  Distinguishing genetics and eugenics on the basis of fairness.  Journal of Medical Ethics (20:3), 157-164).

Wikler, D. (1999).  Can we learn from eugenics?  Journal of Medical Ethics (5), 183-194.


No one can deny the fact that the physical surroundings and living conditions in the inner city are quite different from other city areas.  The inner city is plagued by low levels of education, which in turn leads to low income jobs, has a high crime rate, and the quality of health of for inner dwellers is often worse than those who live in suburbia or other city areas.  No expert needs to be cited here because regrettably, this is all common knowledge.

What may not be common knowledge is that urban settlements are human ecosystems (Chircop 136).  It is important to recognize that human ecosystems exist within larger natural ecosystems, and that human health ultimately depends on ecosystem health.  The distribution of health can be visualized in a map as one of geographical inequality between and within urban areas.  Furthermore, studies show that health is related to a combination of factors in the physical as well as the social environment (Ellen and Turner 1997).

Examples in physical environment include poor urban planning and inadequate housing that can lead to a variety of health concerns that include depression, aggressive behavior, asthma, obesity, heart disease and stressors on the immune system.  Housing disrepair is disproportionately higher in poor neighborhoods, can lead to exposure to lead, pests and air pollution as well as an increase of injuries (Chircop 136).  The following are also associated with urban neighborhoods of low-income housing:  increased stressed, fear of personal safety, feelings of anger, hopelessness and frustration, and feelings of shame, lack of control and stigmatization.

The information here provided shows there are environmental health inequalities in urban settings; however, do the inequalities point to environmental racism?  Policies can help change some of the inequalities.  Better urban development, equal access to health care, safe housing conditions – theoretically there are laws mandating all of these.  But, how well are they enforced?  If one were to inspect various housing projects, the answer is:  not at all.  Whether there is an inability or unwillingness to uphold housing laws, deplorable conditions are still prevalent.  One cannot help wondering if this is indicative of a mindset; a mindset that says that for inner city dwelling (where the population is mostly comprised of ethnic minorities) certain conditions should apply.  Lack of education, high unemployment and high crime rate may merit/justify the living conditions.

Works Cited:

Chicrop, A.  (2008).  An ecofeminist conceptual framework to explore gendered environmental health inequities in urban setting and to inform health public policy.  Nursing Inquiry, 15(2), 135-147.

Ellen, I.G. and Turner, M.A. 1997.  Does neighborhood matter? Assessing recent evidence.  Housing Policy Debate (8), 833-66.

In order to improve the health of the Chesapeake Bay, it will take well planned, continuous efforts.  Past history shows that there has been much talk, but little to no action where the Chesapeake Bay is concerned.  Despite decades of plans and programs aimed at improving its health, the bay has continued to languish (Landers, J.  28). Previous commitments by state and government agencies have come up short. 

In May 2009, the Obama administration released the Strategy for Protecting and Restoring the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (Landers 28).  The executive order established the Federal Leadership Committee for the Chesapeake Bay and gave direction to prepare a remediation strategy.  Six different federal agencies (and the six states that form the bay’s watershed) along with the Environmental Protection Agency came up with a strategy.  The chief goal is to achieve major improvements in water quality by 2025. 

In theory, the administration’s plans sound excellent.   Key goals outlined are as follows:

1)  Significantly reduce sediment, nutrients and other chemical contaminants; thereby improving the water quality of the bay

2)  Restore 30,000 acres of tidal and non-tidal wetlands & enhance the function of 150,000 acres of degraded wetlands as part of the strategy pertaining to fish passage and restoration of wetlands

3) Implement efforts to sustain population of fish and wildlife

4) Reduce environmental effects associated with agriculture by working with farmers and forest owners to put new conservation practices.

 Will the plans work?  Money is the proverbial elephant in the room.  With all its great ambition, the administration’s plan does not project cost or describe how additional funding will come for the programs.  One does not need to have a degree in economics to know that one needs to budget for big ticket items.  In addition to funding, working definitions must be established for the term “success”.  How does one bench mark if the plans are succeeding?  Without these fundamentals, the plans appear to be “pie in the sky”.  Clearly there has to be less day dreaming and more action.      


Works Cited

Landers, J.  (2010). Environmental Restoration:  Federal agencies release plan of improving health of Chesapeake Bay.  Civil Engineering, 28-30.

The familiar Christian bible story tells of how David, a young man was sent to fight a giant named Goliath.  Well intended people tried to fit David with existing armor.  The armor was not custom made for David and was too big.   Fighting in the armor would have been a detriment.  David’s movements would have been restricted; his body literally weighted down.  Instead of fighting offensively, David would have been reacting to blows.  He was certain to die if he fought in the armor.  So instead, David decided to fight as he knew best; with sling shot and stones.  With his strategy, David slew the giant.

When it comes to computer waste, the principle of the story applies.  Computers contain toxic substances such as lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury. (Hodel, L.).  Throwing E-Waste into landfills creates a potential for toxic waste to leach into our soil and groundwater.  In spite of the danger of throwing away hazmat into the landfills, this is exactly where computers end up.   Because environmental standards for landfills are tougher in the United States than in many countries, e-waste is often exported, especially to China, India and Pakistan.

The UN Environmental Programme indicates that approximately between 20 to 50 million metric tons of E-Waste is being generated each year (McKenna  116).  This is about 5 percent of all municipal solid waste.  The computer waste, very often moves from the wealthier regions of the world (where it is generated) to poorer regions.  For instance, in April 2006 it was estimated that 500 shipping containers a month, loaded with second-hand electronic equipment, pass through Africa’s biggest port, Lagos. 

There has been failure to date of the developed world to prevent the illegal movement of its hazardous computer waste to poorer regions (McKennna  116).    International agreements have been drawn up to prevent the movement of hazardous material.  Yet in spite of this, the movement of hazardous computer waste across national borders continues to be an issue.

The creation of laws that is said to protect the poor regions is analogous to the armor given to David; ill fitted.  In the 1980’s, the issue of international waste dumping, particularly from wealthier nations to poorer ones, generated a lot of debate (McKenna 117).  As a result the international community adopted the ‘Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal’.  The United States was on the list of absentees of the states that ratified the Convention.  The Americans are reluctant to be bound by the provisions.  Clearly the law was made to placate those who saw the moves as unfair and abusive.   The fundamental flaw of the convention is that it did not totally ban the movement of the waste.  It was merely an exchange of paperwork between states to continue to allow the practice with no real protection offered for the developing countries where the waste ends up. 

It is important to note that high-income, highly industrialized countries make up 15% of the world’s population, yet they control 80% of world’s wealth (Wright, T. & Boorse, D.  2011). It should come as no surprise that the success or defeat of global laws depend on how they affect the ECD countries. The laws often protect the wealthier nations; in essence given them “buying power” in the international community.  In 1994 the second Conference of Parties to the Basel Convention adopted a full ban (with no exceptions) on the transfer of wastes from the OECD to non-OECD Countries (McKenna 117).  A year later, a decision to amend the Basel Convention was made.  There is an on-going disagreement over whether the amended Convention has achieved the necessary number of ratifications to make it legally effective.

How should the non-OECD countries stop the influx of hazardous computer waste?  They should come together and indicate, “not in my back yard”.  If more and more countries refuse to take in the waste, then every country is being made responsible for their own waste.  If the non-OECD countries do not take a stand, the mentality of entitlement (the idea that as long as there is money, someone else can clean up the mess), will not go away.


Works Cited 

Hodel, L. (2003).  High-Tech Trash.   Mother Earth News, 200,  38-39.

McKenna, A. (2007).  Computer Waste: A forgotten and hidden side to the global information society.   Environmental Law Review, 9, 116-131.

Wright, Richard, T. and Boorse, Dorothy. F.  Environmental Science Toward a Sustainable Future.  11th ed.  San Francisco, CA:  Pearson Education, 2011.


What is the status of the embryo?   This question dominates most discussions of human embryonic stem cell research.  A 2010 study (Bahudar, G., Morrison, M., & Machin, L.) found that attitudes towards donations vary according to: 1) the type of tissue being donated or collected, 2) the purpose for which the donation is being sought, and 3) the nature of the recipient of the donation.

The acceptability of donation and willingness to donate has a close association with the extent to which particular components are viewed as being ‘valuable or waste’ (871).  High rate of participation was found in an epidemiological project collecting placentas and umbilical cords from pregnant women.  Many of the women believed they were only giving away waste material because the placenta was perceived as having no redeeming value beyond birth.

Similarly, tissues and bodily fluids that regenerate (blood, spermatozoa, and bone marrow) are regarded as having lesser value by donors and the donations are regarded as life-saving.  Another distinction made is that of organ transplants.  These are regarded as life-maintaining.  The donation of embryos or gametes is seen very differently from solid organs, blood or bone marrow.  Embryos are seen as containing life; more troubling to donate because they are often looked at in terms of personhood as being “a baby” or “a life”.

The values and attitudes of potential donors also change depending on the context and purpose of the donation.  When being donated for implantation, the embryo was called “baby”, but when being donated to stem cell research, it was called “bunch of cells”.  Embryos are evaluated as either being good or bad.  The poor quality embryos, which are unsuitable for implantation, are deemed acceptable/available for research.  This distinction is shared by both donors and medical personnel involved in the process.

This indicates that how material becomes available for donation plays a great role in the attitudes of potential donors.  A great example is women who lost their babies through miscarriage or opted to terminate the pregnancy because of fetal abnormalities thought it inappropriate to donate the fetus. On the other hand, women who deemed the pregnancy “unwanted” were more likely to consider donation to research.

And in yet another distinction, cord blood donors viewed donation for transplant more favorably than research.  This sentiment was most prevalent in fields such as cancer research and improving treatments for infertility.  When it came to cloning research and research involving animals, donations were greatly disapproved.

Stem cell research is not without ethical implications.  The key debate centers on the destruction of embryos (Zacharias, B.A., and et. al.  634).  It is informed by the concepts of nonmalficence (avoiding harm), beneficence (protecting and defending the rights of others, preventing harm, removing existing harm, and promoting good), justice (fair opportunity, entitlement, and distribution of resources), and human dignity (moral status and the ethical definition of personhood).  The idea of maleficence takes into account the moral nature act.  It poses the questions, what is the agent’s intention? It also considers the means of the act and weighs out the good and bad effects.

Bioengineered stem cells appear to be a viable alternative.  The stem cells are derived using techniques that seek to achieve the pluripotency in non-stem cells.  The technique has two categories:  somatic cell nuclear transfer and pluripotency induced by mediated nuclear programming aka cloning.  Bioengineered pluripotent stem cells do not require the destruction of viable embryos.  However, this too raises ethical concerns.  Is producing “disabled embryos” incapable of implantation really any better?


Bahadur, A., Morrison, M., & Machin, L.  (2010). Beyond the ‘embryo question’: human embryonic stem cell ethics in the context of biomaterial donation in the UK.  Reproductive BioMedicine, 21, 868-874.

Zacharias, D.G., Nelson, T.J., Mueller, P.S., & Hook, C.H.  (2011). The science and ethics of induced pluripotency: What will become of embryonic stem cells?  Mayo Clinic Proc., 86(7), 634-640.

                  The fight against childhood obesity has been   escalated.  Along with a strong focus on exercise, the Obama administration is reviewing/revising school lunch standards.

It comes as no surprise that childhood obesity has been steadily increasing.  Thinking back to the 70’s while in elementary school, the number of obese or marginally obese children were few and far between.   Fast forward 40 years and many of the children in the elementary schools appear somewhat to grossly overweight.

Personal observation is now backed by several reputable studies.   A current report tells us that childhood obesity is a major health crisis among children (Karnik, S. & Kanekar, A   1). It also indicates that its prevalence is increasing in both developed and underdeveloped countries.  Here in the U.S., the National Examination Surveys and National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys show the percentages as follows:

Age (in years)    NHANES 1971-1974         NHANES 2007-2008

2-5                          5.0                                          16.9

6-11                       4.0                                          19.6

12-19                     4.6                                          18.1

The current administration understands that school environment strongly impacts the behavior, the health and well-being of students (www.letsmove. gov/white-house-task-force-obesity-report-president).  In an effort to combat childhood obesity, the administration has launched the Let’s Move Campaign.  As part of the effort to fight childhood obesity, the Obama Administration is targeting school lunches.  There are four major areas target by the initiative: 1) improvements in the quality of school meals,  2) changes in other foods available at school to ensure that all food sold at schools support healthful diets,  3) modifications to curriculum, school program operations, and community policies and infrastructure to match changes in school foods, and 4) revisions to policies and practices in juvenile justice and other institutional settings to ensure that all childhood and youth environments support healthy eating.

Although the meals provided under the federally-financed National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Programs must meet a range of food-based and nutrition-based standards, the most recent national study showed that the meals were not always meeting program standards.  One would think that packed lunches provided by parents would be more nutritious; however, that is not the case.  They often fall below the mark.  (Rees, G.A., Richards, C.J., & Gregory, J.  420). Parents do want to provide better lunches, but there are several challenges to doing so.  Convenience, child preference, cost and food safety prevented them from providing better lunches.  The amount of time allowed for eating and lack of refrigeration were school based barriers both impacted the types of food selected.

Providing foods with better nutritional content is a great start in fighting childhood obesity.   Nutrition Education is an area that needs more attention.  How do we get teachers and parents to successfully convey the message that “we are what we eat”? The habits developed as children are often continued through adulthood.  For that reason, equipping children to consistently make the right choices would be a big win in fighting not only childhood obesity, but adult obesity as well.

One of the barriers in selecting right foods for inner city students is the stigma attached to those who participate in National School Lunch Program (Bhatia, R., Jones, P, & Reicker, Z.  1380). USDA data for the 2004-2005 school year shows that on average, 85% of students in the middle school level and 79% of students at the high school level who qualified for free or reduced lunches usually participated; however, according to a2009 national survey 25% of high schools had less than 32% participation rate, and 10% had less than a 14% participation rate among qualified students.   The former secretary of the USDA, Shirley Watkins pointed out:

“Competitive foods undermine the nutrition integrity of programs and discourage participation… since only children with money can purchase competitive foods; children may perceive that school meals are primarily for poor children rather than nutrition programs for all children”   (1308).

A study conducted by the Journal of school health also found that school level stigma and economic neighborhood contextual factors were significantly associated with the probability of participation in the NSLP (Mirthcheva, D.M. & Powell, L.M,  2009).  Studies clearly show that parents and teachers need to do a better job at equipping students in making better choices.  As is the case with lower income students, how do drive home the message that NSLP lunches are not a sign of inferiority?

Works Cited

Bhatia, R., Jones, P.,&  Reicker, Z.  (2011). Competitive foods, discrimination, and participation in the national school lunch program.  American Journal of Public Health, 101(8), 1380-1386.

Karnick, S. & Amar, K. (2012).  Childhood Obesity: A global public health crisis.  International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 3(1). 1-7.

Mirtheva, D.M., & Powell, L.M.  (2009). Participation in the national school lunch program: importance of school-level and neighborhood contextual factors.  Journal of School Health, American School Health Association 79(10), 485-494.

Rees, G.A., Richards, C.J., & Gregory, J.  (2008). Food and nutrient intakes of primary school children: a comparison of school meals and packed lunches.  The British Dietetic Association Ltd, Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 21. 420-427.

        Introduce the topic of genetic engineering in casual conversation and the       conversation seizes to be casual.  Suddenly there is a contest of speakers.  Several points of views on the matter advanced with “proof”; each trying to sound more emphatic and convincing than the other.  For some, genetic engineering is a scientific breakthrough that can help address food deficiency and health issues.   For others, the science is tantamount to Frankenstein; the creation of a monster that cannot be controlled and eventually brings ruination (American College Dictionary).  There also some that argue along religious beliefs; maintaining that genetic engineering is nothing more than man’s attempt at playing God. 

     The purpose of this blog is to engage in an informed discussion of genetic engineering.  The blog will explore three fields where genetic engineering is used:   agriculture, medicine and sports.  In each of the areas, the pros and cons will be discussed. Two key questions will also be explored:  Is genetic engineering regulated?  What are the guidelines?  To conclude, the moral implications of genetic engineering will be examined. 

Genetic Engineering in Agriculture

            How do we feed all the people in the world?  For hundreds of years, there has been anxiety that our numbers might outstrip food supply (Evans, xi).  With genetic engineering technology, developing countries can look at ways of producing more food.  It makes it possible to combine characteristics from genetically different plants and to incorporate desired traits into crop lines and animals, producing transgenic, or more commonly known as genetically modified (GM), varieties (Wright 306). 

            Two of the more widely accepted genetically altered products to be marketed are corn and soybeans that are resistant to Roundup (chemically, glyphosate).  The chemically resistant crops allow farmers to use a no till technique.  One of the more exciting developments in biotechnology is sorghum (an important African Crop).  This plant is resistant to a parasitic plant known as witch weed, which infects many crops in Africa.   Other GM crops include corn, potatoes and cotton resistant to insects, rice that is resistant to bacterial blight disease and trees that grows very rapidly. 

            Biotechnology in agriculture is used to address another challenge faced by the world’s growing population – finding clean energy sources.  Along with addressing food insecurity, the technology is being used as a strategy for biofuel production in China (Xie, G., Peng, L. 2011).  Over the past three decades, a fossil-energy based economy has been booming in China.  As a result, its energy consumption has doubled and has made China the second biggest energy consumer in the world. 

            The report by Xie and Peng explain that biomass utilization is increasingly considered as a practical way for sustainable energy supply and long-term environment care around the world.  In China, because of food security concerns, starch or sugar-based bioethanol and edible-oil-derived biodiesel are harshly restricted for large scale production.  Using food residues from food crops would be a potential alternative, but the biomass process is unacceptably expensive.  Breeding energy crops is a promising solution.  Energy crops are defined by a high yield for both food and biofuel purposes.  Here we have agricultural engineering addressing two needs at once (food insecurity and clean energy).  For biofuel production, rice, wheat, maize, sorghum and miscanthus are elevated for biomass production.  The modification of plant cell walls is what leads to efficient biomass degradation and conversion. 

The Good

            China has emerged as a leader in plant biotechnology (Wright 307).  A recent notable accomplishment – they sequenced the rice genome.   As illustrated by China, biotech crop research can benefit developing countries.  Here are four goals of agricultural technology:

1)      To add resistance to diseases and pests that attach important tropical plants

2)      To increase tolerance to environmental conditions (such as drought & high salt levels)

3)      To improve nutritional value of commonly eaten crops

4)      To produce pharmaceutical products in ordinary crops

The environmental benefits of bioengineering are very important.  They include a reduction in the use of pesticides (because crops are already resistant to pests), less erosion (no tilling cropping is aided by herbicide resistant crops) and less environmental damage with bringing more land to production (existing agricultural land will bring more food).

 The Bad

            The benefits of BT crops are many; however, the concerns cannot be easily discounted.  A major environmental concern is environmental.  If pests are greatly exposed to the toxins or other resistance incorporated into a plant, there is always the possibility that they will develop resistance to the toxin (Wright 308).  This would render the toxin useless as an independent pesticide.  Another concern is ecological.  Pollen from BT crops can be spread to nearby areas where beneficial insects might pick at them and be killed by the toxins.   Also, because genes for herbicide resistance or tolerance to drought can be spread to ordinary crops, there is the possibility of creating new “super weeds”.

            Good safety issues are also a great concern.  Transgenic crops can contain proteins of different organisms triggering unexpected allergic responses.  For example, a Brazil nut gene added to soybeans was able to make a protein in soybeans that induced an allergic reaction in individuals allergic to Brazil nuts. 

 The Ugly

The UN recently declared that the famine in Somalia has ended, but warned that the crisis is not yet over (New York Times 2/4/2012).  The famine that killed tens of thousands in Somalia was precipitated by drought.  One would think places like Somalia (where the population is large and resources are limited) would be granted primary access to BT crops.  That is not the case.  In fact, access to the new technology is very limited to the developing world.  Almost all genetically modified organisms were developed by large agricultural firms and profit was the main motive (Wright 308).  Farmers have been forbidden by contract from propagating seeds for themselves and must buy the seeds annually. 

 Genetic Engineering – Medicine

            The treatment of Alzheimer’s disease is an area where genetic engineering can make a difference.  Ground breaking work in this area has been conducted by Nicholaos Robakis, a neurobiologist in Mount Sinai School of Medicine at NYU.  In an entry to the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (2006), Robakis gives a detailed account of how the group of scientists went about cloning DNA to try to understanding the causes of Alzheimer’s.  The scientists were able to obtain the the cDNA clones encoding amyloid-B (responsible for the disease) and also produced data showing the encoding gene was on chromosome 21.  Another Study (Sato, 1999) shows in detail how genetic testing and engineering was used to isolate/identify things that contribute to brain disease.   Both studies have vast implications for the diagnosing and treating Alzheimer’s. 

            In clinical trials, researchers have found evidence indicating that transplanting genetically modified skin cells into the brain might slow the progression of the diseases (Asia Pacific Biotech News, 2004). The small study has shown that technique is safe to use and may reduce the mental decline that is typical of the degenerative disease.  A year later, patients that were treated showed the rate of mental decline was cut in half.  By comparison the drug therapies available, can offer a 5% decrease in the rate of decline. The clinical studies show that there are great benefits to genetic engineering in medicine, particularly in diagnosing and treating Alzheimer’s. 

 The bad

            The bad here is linked to ethics particularly to the area of informed consent.  The American Geriatric Society cautions that geriatricians and counselors need to be cognizant of the challenges related to informed consent for genetic testing in older adults (2001).  Older adults attended school prior to the discovery of DNA and therefore may have a limited understanding of genetics concepts.  Geriatric health care professionals and genetic counselors need to consider this when explaining genetic testing to patients, and may need to adjust medical explanations, etc. as needed.  Also, patients who are affected with dementia may lack the capacity to give informed consent for genetic testing.  Although not explicitly stated by AGS, the concern here is that older adults may become participants in testing without any real consent.

            As exemplified by genetic testing in Alzheimer’s there is always a down side.  In 1988 scientists pinpointed a gene responsible for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (Behar 2004).  Children with muscular dystrophy lack the gene required to regulate dystrophin, a protein for muscle growth and stability.  Without the gene, the muscles wither and die.  The scientist’s plan was to introduce the dystrophin gene by hitching it to DNA of a virus that could transport genes into the cell.  In a series of experiments the scientists were able to inject the genes into mice and rats and saw how the damaged muscle cells repaired its self.   The insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) was a proven, powerful hormone that promoted growth muscles.  The mice that had been treated with the hormone and made to exercise could lift 30% more weight and their muscle mass swelled by a third – double of the mice in the control group.

            Gene doping (the non-therapeutic use of genes) is a cited concern.  To be able to mimic the results is not that expensive, especially if it is going to a small population of athletes.  Gene doping is different from other performance enhancing techniques because human growth hormone takes place naturally in the body and speeds up cell division in many types of tissues.  Genetic modifications become a part of the DNA in targeted muscles.  The only way to prove that someone has experimented with gene doping is to biopsy a suspicious muscle – making it a night mare for sports officials trying to regulate doping.

Moral Implications

Many of the moral implications have been addressed throughout this review.   Here are some that are specifically cited in the prospect of human cloning (Miah, 27):

  1. The treating of an individual as a means to an end, rather than an end in him/herself, which goes against the Kantian maxim upon which human rights are based.
  2. Every human has a right to a unique genotype (against the prospect of cloning).
  3. Present genetic engineering techniques are so experimental that they are likely to inflict a degree of harm on the unborn life that is morally unacceptable.
  4. By engineering persons, we enact a form of eugenicide that will lead to the discrimination of or the devaluing of particular kinds of persons.
  5. The institutionalization of genetic technologies may lead to governments or business breeding qualities for their purpose
  6. Making public of genetic information may lead certain individuals to be disadvantaged and discriminated against; such might be the case with insurance or employment opportunities.

 Regulating Bodies

Here is a list of the agencies that regulate genetic engineering:

Cartagena Protocol – On the international level, the UN convention on Biodiversity – it deals with trade in genetically engineered organisms (Wright & Boorse  309).  The Cartagena protocol states that the “lack of scientific certainty due to insufficient relevant scientific information… shall not prevent a country from taking a decision on the import of genetically modified organisms.  The protocol puts the right to deny entry of any of the organisms in the hands of the importing countries, but its decisions must be based on sound science.

EPA & USDA (in the United States) – all have regulatory oversight of different elements of the application of biotechnology to food crops. 

The National Academy of Sciences National Research Council – The council adequately tests for environmental and health effects of transgenic crops.

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) – Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights – within the document, the agency urges for the application of such technology to respect human dignity and to ensure the protection of individuals from such effects as genetic discrimination (Miah, 2000).

Closing thoughts

   Genetic engineering can help improve the quality of life.   Research shows that the technology can be used to address food deficiency, for cleaner energy and in treating illeness.  As with anything else, the pros and cons of the technology must be carefully weighed.  If the necessary agencies worked tenaciously to protect and serve the public (domestically and globally), our society would be able to greatly benefit from this emerging science. 

     Works Cited

American Geriatric Society – Ethics Committee.  “Genetic Testing for Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease.”  JAGS  49. (2001): 225-226.

Asia Pacific Biotech Research Findings ANB 8.12 (2004).

Behar, Michael.  “Will Genetics Destroy Sports?” Discover 25.7 (2004): 40-45.

Evans, L.T.  Feeding the Ten Billion:  Plants and population growth.  Cambridge, U.K:  Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Gettleman, Jeffery.  “UN Says Somalia Famine has ended, but Warns Crises is not Over.” New York Times February 4, 2012.

Miah, Andy.  “The Engineered Athlete: Human Rights in the Genetic Revolution.”  Culture, Sport, Society 3.3 (2000): 25-40.

Robakis, Nicholaos, K.  “The Discovery and Mapping to Chromosome 21 of the Alzheimer’s Amylid Gene: History Revised.”  Journal of Azlheimer’s Disease 10 (2003): 453-455.

Sato, Naoya, et. al.  A Novel Presenilin-2 Splice Variant in Human Alzheimer’s Disease Brain Tissue.” Journal of Neurochemistry 72.6 (1999): 2498-2505.

Wright, Richard, T. and Boorse, Dorothy. F.  Environmental Science Toward a Sustainable Future.  11th ed.  San Francisco, CA:  Pearson Education, 2011.

Xie, Guasheng and Peng, Liangcai.  “Genetic Engineering of Energy Crops: A Strategy for Biofuel Production in China.”  Journal of Intergrative Plant Biology  53.2 (2011): 143-150.

A few weeks ago, my presentation focused on overpopulation and its vast impact.  The research conducted, clearly indicated that in order to limit great harm to the environment, decrease hunger, and improve standards of living, population must be controlled.

Attached is the chart for the decision making criteria for population control.


Decision:  Population should be controlled                          
Does the Criterion respect the category?           Criteria              
Place a 1 by “Yes” or “No.”   Autonomy   Beneficience   Non-malficience   Justice/Equity      
Time Category Viewpoint   YES NO   YES NO   YES NO   YES NO      
Current Environment Global     1     1     1     1      
Current Quality of Life Global     1     1     1     1      
Current Economy Global           1     1     1      
Current Hunger Global     1     1     1     1      
Current Religion Global   1       1                  
Current Culture Global   1       1     1   1        
Current World Politics Global     1     1     1     1      
Future Environment Global   1     1     1     1     > 1 geneation
Future Quality of Life Global   1     1     1     1     only for 40 years
Future Economy Global   1     1     1     1        
Future Hunger Global   1     1     1     1        
Future Religion Global     1     1     1   1        
Future Culture Global   1       1   1     1        
Future World Politics Global   1     1     1     1        
    Subtotal   8 4   5 8   6 6   8 4      
                          Total categories       
    Total               22     44.90 % NO      
                    27     55.10 % YES      


     The relationship between the arts/art objects and the environment is a delicate one.  Through time, art objects inevitably undergo chemical and consequent physical changes from exposure to agents of deterioration — light, temperature, humidity, and oxygen (Hornbeck 52).  In modern art, the materials are much more problematic for conservators because of the lack of understanding about how the new materials will react overtime.  When the agents of deterioration are multiplied, for example, an object being exposed to both elevated temperature and light, the combined objects trigger a chemical reaction that results in faster deterioration.

     When it comes to archaeological artifacts, the influence of nature/environment is of even greater importance (Remazeilles, C., Conforto, E.   110). Nature plays a dominant role on the type of the corrosion products formed by the corrosion process.  Determining what the products are is very important to diagnosing the state of the degradation and choosing the appropriate steps for preservation.

      The unearthing of a very rare Roman inkwell in a small maritime village in France, underscores the impact that the natural environment can have on a precious piece of antiquity (Remazeilles, C. & Conforto, E.  111). The excavation site was in the middle of the fields where cereals were cultivated.  An analysis of the object showed the corrosion was a result of the interaction between the metallic allow and residues of agricultural fertilizers and soil amendments, extensively used for decades in the field. 

     It is intersting that an attempt to uncover how the environment triggerd changes in an artifact uncovered how man’s behavior impacted nature.  It was found that the treatment of the soil (through the use of fertilizers) was the key factor for corroding the inkwell.   This is a great reminder that the actions of man on the environment have long term consequences.   If fertilizers have corrosive effects on metal, what type of impact does it have on drinking water?  It is most definitely food for thought! 

Works Cited

Hornbeck, S. E. (2009).  A Conservation Conundrum: Ephemeral Art at the National Museum of African Art.  African Arts 42(3), 52-61.

Remazeilles, C., Conforto, E.  (2008).  A Buried Roman Bronze Inkwell: Chemical interactions with agricultural fertilizers.  Studies in Conservation 53, 110-117.